
Crisis support and regaining stability with the help of professionals

There are many reasons why people find themselves in crisis. This may be brought about by burdens that only affect individuals, like illnesses, loss, or experience of violence. But there are also crises that affect entire regions or a large group of people (e.g., catastrophes like floods or droughts, experiences of war or of being a refugee). Or crises may be caused by dramatic events that have an impact all over the world like pandemics or the effects of climate change.

Remaining stable in the face of crisis is an art form. You will find a list of people here from the psychosocial professions who will help you with this. The certified specialists for trauma-informed pedagogy and trauma-specialised counsellors listed here take part of their time to provide free-of-charge advice and stabilisation – online, on the telephone or also in person.


What it’s about

People facing crisis in their life often need someone who will listen to them first, not therapy. Trauma-informed pedagogues and trauma-specialised counsellors seek solutions that are practicable in everyday life, and they are there for you without cost!

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Volunteering professionals

You will find a list of people here throughout Germany who, besides their everyday work, offer a few hours of support free of charge – in different languages, online, on the telephone or face-to-face and in person.

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How it works

You check the list to find a counsellor who has some free time slots (green dot) or for someone who is providing what you are looking for (which may involve a period of waiting). The counselling is free of charge for you in both cases.

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The idea behind it

We are trainers in trauma-informed pedagogy and trauma-specialised counselling who want to make the great potential offered by professional stabilisation work available to those seeking help in a low-threshold manner.

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What are you looking for?

You can choose the person you would like to talk to based on different criteria. If you have to wait or there aren’t any spaces free at the moment, perhaps the exercises and information we have compiled to work through crisis can help you.


Choose the setting for your counselling session: it might be contact on the telephone, per videocall, chat, email or also a personal meeting.

Sex / Gender

You can choose here whether you would like to talk to a woman, a man or whether you would like to speak to someone who defines themselves differently.

Target group

Are you seeking help for yourself, as a couple, a group, or a family?


Some counsellors specify their age, you can see this after you have chosen from among the search criteria.


If you don’t find someone in your native language, please choose a language you are able to communicate in.

Subject matter

In addition to crisis intervention, some colleagues offer supervision to helpers.

How the search works

These steps are designed to assist you.


You choose a counsellor

This is where you make your selection

What are you looking for? Do you prefer to work with a woman or a man, which language are you looking for? Should the meeting take place online or on the telephone or would you prefer face-to-face counselling? Are you looking for individual or family, team or group counselling?


You make contact

This can be done anonymously

When you have hopefully found somebody, get in touch with them and decide for yourself whether you tell them your real name or another one. During this initial contact, you reach an agreement on your collaboration.


Counselling is free-of-charge

by e-mail, chat, telephone, video or face-to-face

You define the number of sessions at the start of the counselling, the counsellor’s availability is decisive here. It should be ten sessions at maximum, for e-mails and chat, the counsellor will define the number and the frequency. All sessions are free-of-charge, counsellors work on a voluntary basis.


If something goes wrong

In such cases, please contact the ethics council (Ethikrat)

All professionals on this website are experienced counsellors and educators. If, however, something goes wrong or you don’t feel like the counsellor is a good match for you, if somebody cannot be reached or demands money despite your agreement or if you are treated unkindly, do not hesitate to get in touch with us! We will get in touch with the counsellor, clear up the issue as much as possible and, if necessary, delete the counsellor from our list.


Are you feeling better?

Additional links

We hope you feel better after your counselling so that you can take the necessary follow-up steps. Feel free to use our links to offers of specialist counselling and the exercises available there. You are also welcome to reuse the list later or for any other matters. We wish you good health and all the best for your personal journey!

You can make your selection here:

State what is important to you during your counselling and search for the counsellor you want to work with based on the results. If no results are (as yet) displayed, reduce the number of criteria. All the best!

Our counsellors are certified by the following umbrella associations:

Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft für Psychotraumatologie DeGPT

The umbrella organisation for trauma therapy, counselling, and pedagogy

Fachverband Traumapädagogik

The umbrella organisation for trauma-sensitive psychosocial work

Gesellschaft für Psychotraumatologie, Traumatherapie und Gewaltforschung GPTG

Society for Psychotraumatology, Trauma Therapy and Violence Research

The oldest society on the market for trauma-therapy services works with the Fachverband Traumapädagogik in the certification of trauma coaches and expert counsellors.

The Fachverband Traumapädagogik assumes responsibility for the organisation, administration, and invoicing of the foundation’s funding and for legal matters at Kri-Sta and supports its work by the exchange of content, collaboration on the expert council and all sorts of active assistance.

The small interdisciplinary association for trauma therapy, trauma education and counselling as well as other areas of psychosocial work.

The pool – who we are

An idea requires lots of support in order to be implemented. All persons – except web designers and admin – do their work on a voluntary basis: the organisers, staff from the Fachverband Traumapädagogik, our wonderful advisory council that supports us in ethical matters, in the basics of certification and with many replies…

These institutes and facilities support Kri-Sta by providing their cooperation of by giving donations. A big thank-you to them!